Join our community to unlock your greatest asset and welcome paying guests to your hotel
How does it work ?
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Manage your bookings from your account dashboard
We are at your disposal
The largest selection of hotels
Search, compare and book hotels
Authentic customer reviews
Discover millions of happy customer reviews.
24/7 customer service
Contact BENIN TOURISM if you need help, wherever you are
What happens after my registration is complete?
If you want to be a partner on our platform, you must submit a request to our administrator from your dashboard, and follow the instructions.
Can I edit my profile after registering?
That's right. This is possible from your dashboard, at the level of the Profile tab. At this level, you could update your information and have your account verified.
When will my business go live?
Once you have had your account verified and we have reviewed the information you have set up for your establishment, we will put it live on the platform
À quoi sert la commission que je paie ?
Cette commission vous assure une forte présence en ligne, des fonctionnalités et outils innovants, des commentaires clients authentiques, une assistance disponible 24h/24 et 7j/7
Comment savoir le montant de la commission que je paie ?
Le pourcentage de cette commission sera indiqué au moment de l'« Accord » du processus d’inscription. À la fin de chaque mois, nous vous enverrons une facture mentionnant le montant de la commission dû.
How will payments be made for a reservation?
Payments for reservations will be made upon delivery, once the customer is present. Then you can update the availability of your rooms on the platform.
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